actually my plan is to lepak at mamak chit chat with friends.. my friends plan they wanted to lepak around KL.. so i just follow their plan coz i dont have any plan on my own..
me, syazwan, ean, ekhwan, megat, aizzat take a ride to KL..
we wonder around KL and the most best part i saw lots of super bike.. hebat !
then we decide to lepak at pelita next to KLCC..
at 1st i'm not very happy that day coz i have a fight with my bunie ( BF )..
and he say he couldnt celebrate my birthday with me coz he have dinner with his family to celebrate his parent anniversary..
it's sad but i accept it and my friends there to cheer me up..
to cut the story short i actually lepak with my old friends jer..
then adup call me up yesterday to ajak lepak..
they call me ask where i'am..
so i told them to come down pelita and they did show up..
adup, ijat, syabil, safuan show up around almost 12midnight..
1200am 27 December 2008
i got a message from my Bf wish me happy birthday..
then i reply back and say i wish that you could be here with me..
1minute later.. jeng jeng jeng ( ala2 drama skit ) haha
he show up with a cake on his hands..
i was so stud couldnt think of anything..
suddenly all my friends sang birthday song so damn loud ! and all the pelita people that i even dunno who the heck they are also sing along !
OMG so damn embracing !
makin lame makin kuat pulak tu.. especially IJAT ! argh..
then we waited for husna and aswad to show up..
then they all took me lepak at castle.. then we started to drink, shisya and when all get hyper enough we all start to dance.. so damn funny..
after all ends, i just realize that actually all this surprise party original idea came from my bunie and rupenye die komplot with all my friends and my friends know about all this thing the day before my birthday.. pandainyer they all berlakon !!
standing obviation and big round applause for them.. haha
i have a blast that nite.. thank you for those who wish me happy birthday..
for those who participating on that night thank you so much..
special kiss from me to you AFIQ IZZUDDIN..
thank you so so much !!
1 comment:
hoi budak..
u hv blog n u didn't tell me?
missing you b!
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